
The Assessment INTASC standard ensures teachers recognize the importance of utilizing different forms of assessment to monitor student growth and understanding. Teachers should use assessment to guide student’s growth, monitor progress, and guide instruction. I used assessment within the classroom by incorporating formative assessments such as classwork or exit tickets, making time for necessary review, and utilizing summative assessments.

Two students sharing laptop for classwork

While student teaching, some forms of formative assessment that I utilized were checking station work, exit slips, classwork, homework assignments, and monitoring peer-to-peer interaction. The information from these checks was used to guide instruction and help me understand elements or topics that students were repeatedly struggling with before we moved forward.

Student using divisibility rules foldable during independent work station

I designed assessments with the purpose of examining students’ feedback and answers for a glimpse at how they are progressing with the material. In some cases, the assessments showed that students were still struggling with a piece of the content which needed to be addressed during whole group instruction. In some cases, only a select few struggled with a piece of the content thus guiding small group placements. For example, some groups completed a divisibility rules without using there foldable while others were allowed to use it to understand the process.

Students were also given a pre-test and post-test assessment as part of a Record of Pupil Learning. I used the pre-test as a way of gauging what the students already knew about the next unit from previous years. Then, they were given the post-test as a summative assessment. The post-test allowed me to see student growth throughout the unit as a whole and broken up by leveled classes.